Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Jubilee 2009

I spent my weekend at Jubilee. This was the fifth time I've been there, and it was also the best. The line up of speakers was amazing. Just a few of my favorites were Andy Crouch, Gabe Lyons, and the folks from *culture is not optional.

Bill Strickland also spoke. Play the clip below for a taste of what he had to say.

Mr. Strickland built a training center in a bad neighborhood of Pittsburgh. It's a shining example of the Jubilee vision, that the good news be shared with all people. The following scripture comes to mind: "Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." ~Colosians 3:17 If we're doing things in the name of Jesus, then we'll do them excellently Like the folks at the Bidwell Training Center.

Here is a link to a longer YouTube video about Mr. Strickland's training center. It's well worth your time.

This was the message of Jubilee. We also heard from other people who are in the midst of projects to bring God's Kingdom to Earth.
Thanks for your support and encouragement that enables me to undertake a similar project, albeit a small one, bringing God's Kingdom into the lives of students at OWU.


Rob Vander Giessen-Reitsma said...

This year's Jubilee was great, wasn't it? My wife Kirstin and I have been attending for six years and this was certainly the best we've experienced. Andy Crouch and Bill Strickland were two of my favorites; I'm in the middle of Andy's book and I'm looking forward to Strickland's.

Tim Gebhart said...

Rob, thanks for your comment. I wanted to introduce myself at Jubilee, but after your session I got into a conversation with the Montgomeries and then I had to go. Maybe next time.