"Re-imagine the world in a way that acknowledges a God who cares about your life right now. Everything you think, everything you say, and everything you do matters today. Our task as Christians is to be Kingdom people in our time, despite the struggles we experience. . . Jesus began the greatest and final year of Jubilee. Our task is to live like it." ~ From the Welcome to Jubilee
Two weeks ago I, alond with the other CCO staff at OWU, took forty five students and staff to the annual Jubilee conference in Pittsburgh, PA. Of the five times I've been to Jubilee, this one was the best.
Students' Reflections and Highlights
"I learned that plans change and even though there are things I dream of doing with my major, God may have other plans." Tiffany
"I enjoyed discussions on the bus travelling to Jubliee and getting to know my roommate." Barbara
"Bill Strickland instilled a lot of hope in me. If one person can do all he did, there is still hope for the rest of us making an impact." Sam
What I like best about Jubilee is that the spirit of the conference continues beyond the three days of the actual event. My students had an exciting weekend away from campus, a weekend filled with moving worship music, the inspiring testimonies of dynamic Christian leaders, and the energy of thousands of Christians gathered in one place. This gave students a glimpse into how some people have chosen to serve God in fields as varied as banking and athletics, art and education.
Now, back on campus, I can continue the conversation with students. We hold weekly Bible studies and many informal discussions in the spirit of Jubilee - telling students that God cares about what they make of their lives, that God wants them to be Christian leaders not only in church and "Christian activities" but also within theirmajors. As the conference theme said "Every square inch belongs to God."
In less than a week I will take eleven students to Arkansas for a week of high adventure rock climbing and high intensity growth and learning. Please keep us and our other thee spring break wilderness trips in your prayers.
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